

CURINGA means pretending, imagining, fantasizing, experimenting, changing value, representing someone else, blending, mixing and remaking. This brings us to experience music and also the interpreter. We play an energetic mix of different expressions of Portuguese and World Music with an adventurous and clever approach. This is how we create a link between the past and the future, right in front of the audience.

The group was formed in Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, towards the end of 2008. CURINGA had its origin in historical recreation events. The members got their inspiration from medieval characters such as the Joker, the Jester, the Minstrel and the Troubadour and by medieval melodies from existing documentation. We have always aspired to create our own songs, which resulted in a very distinctive music style.

With shows in Portugal, Spain and France, our group has taken part in over 200 events, among them historical recreations, medieval festivals, street entertainment events, weddings, concerts, radio and television.

Our debut album “Bardo” is already available. In Europe’s ancient history, “Bardo” was usually a character that transmitted legends, stories and poems by singing about their people’s lives. The “Bardo” was both a musician and a poet. The character later became known as the troubadour. “Bardo” is a recreation of CURINGA’s bold travels. It is how we sing our story – we transmit it through our music.

CURINGA is composed by five musicians: Carlos Luz, Edwin Pestana, Mário Gonçalves, Ricardo Santos and Rui Santos

In 2024 we are planning to sing our stories and transmit what really moves us: music.

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